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Consulate General of Antigua & Barbuda
60 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 601 Toronto
Ontario, Canada M4T 1N5
Tel: 416-961-3143
Fax: 416-961-7218
Email: info@antigua-barbuda-ca.com


High Commissioner: His Excellency Dr. Carl Roberts
High Commission of Antigua and Barbuda
2nd Floor, 45 Crawford Place
London W1H 4LP
Tel: 0207-258-0070
Fax: 0207-258-7486
Website: antigua-barbuda.com


Ambassador: His Excellency Dr. John Ashe
The New York Office of the Government of Antigua & Barbuda
305 East 47th Street, 6th Floor New York NY 10017
Tel: 212-541-4117
Fax: 212-757-1607
Email: antigua@un.int


Consul General: Mr. Ian Sweeny
Consulate-General of Antigua & Barbuda
25 SE Second Avenue Suite 300 Miami,
Florida 33131 U.S.A
Tel: 305-381-6762
Fax: 305-381-7908
Email: cganubar@bellsouth.net


Ambassador: Her Excellency Deborah Mae Lovell
Embassy of Antigua & Barbuda
And Permanent Mission of Antigua & Barbuda to OAS
O.E.C.S Building
3216 New Mexico Avenue, NW.
Washington DC 20016 USA
Tel: 202-262-5122/5166
Fax: 202-362-5225
Email: embantbar@aol.com


Ambassador: His Excellency Bruce Goodwin
Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda
Cnr. 66th and 5th Avenue, Miramar
Havana City, Cuba
Tel: 537-207-9756



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